Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Loreal Volume Million Mascara

This new mascara from Loreal was supposedly designed specifically for British women...so I took it upon myself (as a British woman) to try it out!

I got it for £7.99 on offer in Superdrug, but from what I can see that particular deal is off, but it is now on a 3 for 2 offer (the ordinary price is £10.99)

The brush is a new design with a mixture of short and long bristles, and the idea behind it is that British women want something they can just sweep on in one or two swipes.

The Good

It doesn't flake....very important because I hate getting all those little flakes around my cheeks!

It does only take 2/3 good sweeps and it really thickens and lengthens

It can be built up to provide a variety of looks. One good sweep makes a nice, natural day time look, whereas 3 plus and you get a sexy "night out" set of lashes

It doesn't seem to dry out you lashes- which is something I've found with other drugstore brands.

It comes off very easily with any cleanser or make up remover. Currently I'm using lush baby face and it comes off very very easily. No nasty morning after panda eyes! (Although I don't know the implication this might have for its durability....I haven't worn it in the rain, though I have worn it in a reasonably sweaty club and it certainly stood up fine.)

Here is a picture that attempts to show my lashes. I'm also wearing a slick of mac's liquid eyeliner.

The Bad

Personally, I found the brush a bit fiddly at first and poked myself in the eye. Also, because its such a big/strange shape I tended to hit the skin of my eye/beneath my brow a few times which leaves little black dots needing to be cleaned off!

Layering on more than a few swipes results in an overly clumpy "spidery" look...so beware of going too far!


My ordinary "go to" mascara is Max Factor's masterpiece max, and the effect of this loreal mascara is a very similar look but with less furious arm pumping! I have to say I probably do prefer the long straight brush of the masterpiece max, but I think that is probably because I'm really used to it (I've only had volume million for a week or so.) I think the real test of a mascara comes about 3 weeks into usage though, because some seem to really lose the original effect...so I shall edit if I notice any problems!

All in all really worth a go (particularly if you see it on offer as I did!)

Anyone else tried millionising their eyes yet...??

All my love...