Saturday, 12 June 2010

Hair treatment MIRACLE!

Ok so hair, or should I say looking after my hair in particular, is something to which I devote a lot of time and energy (and sometimes money!)

Having heard great reviews I bought myself a pot of:

Ojon restorative hair treatment

This is ojon's signature product and is derived from a nut from the tropical rain forests of Central America. It claims in clinical studies to have created a 64% improvement in the condition of dry, damaged hair in one treatment when left overnight (according to the ojon website anyway- I had to try..!!

So its available from QVC and from the ojon website, but I got a 100ml tub from ebay for £15.99.

I smoothed it through my hair spending quite a lot of time making sure all the ends were thoroughly saturated. I left my fringe as its a side fringe that has a tendency to get greasy a little quicker than I'd like, and saying as this was a first attempt I decided to leave without oiling it (but I would definitely just do all my hair in future)

The pot comes with a wide toothed comb to run through after you have applied, which was really great for not pulling/ripping the hair.
I slept with it on over night and washed it as normal in the morning.... OHMYGOSH it was good! I have quite fine, silky hair as it is (which often looks pretty similar following "intensive" treatments), though I do use a lot of heat treatment which can leave me prone to split/dry ends. I examined my hair all over and COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE SPLIT END!

My hair was very soft and really lightweight; it was floating about behind me for the next 2 days.

My one issue was the smell, which a wash later is still lingering slightly. It is a kind of smoky smell, not in a cigarette way, but an ashy outdoors type of way,and a scent possibly a little more manly/natural than what I would chose ordinarily.

However, scent is very personal and whilst I like minty or floral hair smells this will appeal to as many as it wont. Its a case of giving it a go and trying it out for yourself. Although to be honest, I could forgive a very wide range of smells to have hair so glossy and as well nourished as this.
I also put it on my clip in human hair extensions over night and they have come out shining like nothing else :)

The ojon website recommends using ojon oil twice a week, but I will probably use it once a week, if only because my boyfriend might not enjoy sleeping next to a greasy locked maiden too often (though you can leave it on for a minimum of 20 mins, so could do an evening/day time application, or for a few hours whilst in the house. I just decided to do the full overnight treatment as this was my first time.)

If you buy one thing for your hair this year.....make it this!

All my love...