Generally I get pretty excited towards the end of a product bottle as it means I can buy something new to replace it. However, some items always make it back in to my life on a pretty much instant repurchase rebound. Here's my top 10 repurchase products...
I love the original, aloe vera and rose tint in equal measure. To be honest I normally have one of each. I always keep an original in my bedside drawer to slick all over my eyelashes every couple of nights. It keeps them really soft and removes any stubborn mascara.
Aussie 3 minute miracle
Haircare is one of my favourite areas of beauty, which means I LOVE trying new shampoos/treatments/anything hair related really. However, whilst my bathroom is littered with half used products I always, always restock my Aussie 3 minute miracle. Its a staple intensive hair treatment that can double up as an every day conditioner and I can always be sure to love the results.
Max Factor Masterpiece Max Mascara
I've mentioned my love of this in an earlier post and had to reiterate it here. This really makes my eyes pop, and the great effects last to the very last drop of the tube.
MAC powder blush in Coygirl
This is a lovely pinky plummy blush that looks stunning as a contrast colour with a tan. It literally wakes my face up whatever state I'm in, and I can rely on it as an instant fix for a day or night time look.
Johnson's Baby Lotion
Mmmmm I ADORE the soft, clean smell of this as an all over moisturiser. I always have a bottle somewhere.
Lush Mask of Magnaminty
This astringent china clay based face mask isn't for the faint hearted. Firstly its super minty and really cleans very deep. Secondly it contains aduki beans which give a really deep exfoliation as you massage it into your face. This is an essential for me as I suffer from headaches and ten minutes with this on in the shower really seems to clear my head. It's also a life saver when you come in from a long day and need a quick pick up to make a turn around for a night out because it really refreshes.
Boots Sanctuary Classic Eau de Toilette
I like to have a choice of different perfumes, but there is something about this heavenly eau de toilette by Boots Sanctuary brand that has me reaching for my advantage card time and time again. Its a very sensuous, "womanly" fragrance that always draws compliments. It also only costs £15 for 30ml which makes it a very affordable staple to keep in my handbag at all times.
Benefit Hollywood Glo
Not the cheapest of highlighters at £13.95, but a bottle lasts for ages, and your cheeks/browbones look faboosh in photos, daahhling.
No7 Instant Radiance Concealer
Now I'm planning on doing a comparison post on cheaper alternatives to the hold grail of under eye concealer touche eclait at some point with swatches and what not (and believe me I've tried a ton)...but a quick cut to the chase will tell you that this is (in my opinion) the best rival. I have been blessed with very clear skin...other than it looks like I've been punched in the face by Mike Tyson most mornings which makes under eye concealer a desert island essential (I'd actually pick it over mascara.) It costs £11.50 and no.7 is so regularly on 3 for 2 offers that I usually stock up on a few. Which pretty much means I can get 3 for the price of 1 touche eclait. Bargainous.
Original Source Mint and Tea Tree Shower Gel
I love the scent of mint (you might have guessed) and there's nothing that quite gets me going/cools me down/cheers me up like this shower gel from original source. Its also lovely and cheap....which just makes me love it more!
All my love...
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Insta-Repurchase products
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